My Thoughts
The L Word
It is the first time I look Loneliness in the eye. She doesn't look as surprised as I am, as I find out she's here, and there's only the two of us in the space. It's as if Loneliness has been standing
Here I write what I care about: #Personal Finance, #Personal Development and physical and mental #Well-beings. Being a curious world observer, I also write how things work through my eyes.
My Thoughts
It is the first time I look Loneliness in the eye. She doesn't look as surprised as I am, as I find out she's here, and there's only the two of us in the space. It's as if Loneliness has been standing
When preparing materials for my book review post "Rebuilding, When Relationships End", I had the idea of using openAI API to generate images based on the quotes I would use in the post. I requested 13 images from the 13 quotes/paragraphs (one image each) using openAI'
Have you ever thought about what life would be like if you lived in another country? Maybe you've heard of "润 run" when you surf online and wonder whether those who did "run" ended up with a better and happier life. Or perhaps you
No Buy Year
Hiya, it's been 3 months since I started my No Buy Year [] - the spending experiment to tackle my overspending problem. Spoiler alert, I've had struggles but also made amazing progress in breaking my bad spending habits. If you wonder how
No Buy Year
If you read my ''About Me []'' page, you probably know that I started my No Buy Year - an spending experiment to tackle my overspending problem - back in April 2021. Here are the rules of my NBY that I set