

By Roxie Nafousi

A good manifestation guidebook that I will return to time and again.

📒 Summary + Notes

Quantum physics: Everything in the universe is made up of energy. We are made up of energy.

The law of attraction: like attracts like.

Use neuroplasticity to raise our subconscious feelings of self-worth and to override limiting beliefs, while priming our brain to see opportunity and align our behaviour towards our desired goals.

Our power to choose is one of our greatest manifesting tools. We can choose what visions we create, what thoughts we attach to, who we spend time with, how we invest our energy, what behaviour we accept from others, what fears and doubts we let go of, and how we respond to tests from the universe. The choices you make determine who you become and what you manifest into your life.

STEP 1: Be Clear in Your Vision

Knowing exactly what you want, and then visualising it.

Regularly practise visualising: to visualise effectively for manifestation, you must immerse yourself in the feeling of having them.

Focus your visualisations solely on how you want to feel. Visualise not just what you want to manifest, but the person that you want to be.

Use meditation to visualise: sit in visualisation for ten to fifteen minutes and repeat this two or three times a week.

Create your vision board: a six-month, one-year or a five-year vision board. You can do all three. Visualise in 6 mon / 1 yr / 5 yrs: â—¦ How do I feel within myself? â—¦ What kind of relationships surround me? â—¦ What kind of home do I live in? â—¦ What is my profession? â—¦ What am I most proud of? â—¦ What do I want to change in my life? â—¦ What do I want to keep the same?

Split your vision board into six categories, have a minimum of three things for each category:

    • Personal development (i.e. your personal growth/how you want to feel within yourself)
    • Love and romance
    • Career
    • Friends and family
    • House/home
    • Hobbies/leisure

STEP 2: Remove Fear and Doubt Cultivate and Practise Self-Love

You manifest from your subconscious beliefs about what you deserve. This means that you can only manifest what you truly believe you are worthy of attracting into your life.

Vision board, I challenge myself to write down every single dream I have, no matter how big or small, and I refuse to let my insecurities stop me from doing so.

Every time you hold yourself back from writing something on your vision board, ask yourself, ‘Why am I holding back? What limiting belief is driving that?’ By identifying your fears and doubts at this stage, you give yourself an opportunity to start to work on healing and removing them so that you can unblock your path.

Identify fear and doubt

Removing fear and doubt is self-development in action. Tools:

Master your thoughts

If we know that our subconscious is driving us to our manifestation, then we must use our conscious minds to influence our subconscious beliefs. We must feed our subconscious with empowering thoughts to increase our self-worth and boost our manifesting power.

Reframe your perspectives.

We must commit to consistent practice and repeatedly choose to nourish our mind by replacing the negative thoughts with empowering ones.

When we consciously choose to think positive and empowering thoughts that trigger high-vibe emotions (such as confidence, enthusiasm and hope), we will attract more abundance into our lives through the law of attraction.

Watch your language

Remove the word ‘if’ and replace it with ‘when’.

Start to become aware of your thoughts, then choose to replace those expressions of fear and doubt with thoughts and perspectives that will raise your self-worth and self-belief.

If I could sense I was about to voice something negative or limiting, I would catch myself and instead say something like ‘You are doing a great job. You can achieve anything you put your mind to. You are strong. You can do this. It’s OK.’

Every time you find yourself saying, ‘I can’t do this,’ or ‘It’s too hard,’ you might choose, instead, to say, ‘I will find a way to do this.’

Make mindful swaps: Talk about what you do want, not what you don’t.

When you talk about your future using language that reflects certainty, your subconscious will respond by directing everything towards you reaching that goal.

Use mantras

A mantra is a word, phrase or sound that you can repeat out loud or in your head at any time, to help gain awareness, release stress and to raise your vibration.

A positive affirming phrase such as ‘I am worthy.’

Morning: today is going to be a great day. Night: what went well today? Repeat them every day.

Accept compliments.

Listen to a positive affirmations track.

â—¦ I love the person that I am today. â—¦ I have limitless potential. â—¦ I am grateful for all that I have. â—¦ I love my life. â—¦ I feel calm and at peace. â—¦ I radiate vitality and energy. â—¦ I have infinite power to manifest anything I desire. â—¦ I am consistently attracting abundance into my life.

Practise visualisation

Keep replaying the ideal outcome in your head over and over again.

How often do you find yourself playing out worst-case scenarios in your head? Or imagining your worst fears coming true? When we repeatedly play out these scenes in our minds, we lower our vibe and feed into our worries, insecurities and doubts.

Cultivate and practice self-love

Self-love is the driving force behind manifesting. Self-love means:

  • truly valuing your own wellbeing and happiness,
  • showing up for yourself and championing yourself,
  • letting go of judgement, regret and negative self-talk,
  • embracing the most authentic version of yourself,
  • offering yourself kindness, patience and forgiveness,

To practise self-love, we can:

  • fuel our minds, bodies and souls with nourishing food, thoughts and ideas.
  • start saying no to the things we don’t want to do.
  • do more of the things that make us happy.
  • practise meditation, journal, exercise, look after our skin, prioritize sleep, drink more water.
  • offer ourselves more compassion and kindness.
  • offer ourselves space to explore all the parts of us that make us unique.
  • speak to ourselves in ways that are kind, encouraging and supportive.

Cultivating self-love comes down to one thing: becoming aware of the choices we have and the decisions we make in each and every moment: do I choose to act in a way that is self-loving or in a way that is not? To start making decisions that will lead us to cultivate self-love, we must do three things:

  1. Become aware and mindful
  2. Honour where you are: Always do your best.
  3. Honour where you want to be tomorrow: self-love is taking authority over that drive for instant satisfaction and instead making choices that will serve your future self. Balance what you need today with what your future self needs tomorrow.

Forgiveness and non-judgement

Remember that trauma, pain and emotional distress are all energy; when they are not given the time and attention they need to be moved, released and healed, they live within our physical body. This means that when we try to ‘block out’ our past experiences, they have nowhere to go, so they stay within us, lowering our vibration and keeping us trapped in the past.

My past does not dictate my future.

To my mistakes: I am doing my best at the time. There is always a valuable lesson to take from any and every experience. I am not the same person I was then: I have since grown, evolved and matured.

The truth is this: by learning from your mistakes and experiences and by evolving through them you practise the greatest form of self-love, which is to grow.

STEP 3: Align Your Behaviour

Aligning your behaviour means showing the universe, in action, what you believe you deserve. This is because the way we behave is a direct reflection of our self-worth. Aligning your behaviour means being proactive in your manifesting journey. Aligning your behaviour means being the energy you want to attract.

Be proactive

Procrastination and apprehension about taking action are so often driven by fear of failure

Fake it until you become it

Behave the way your future self would

Whenever you think about the person you want to become, think of ways in which you can align your behaviour with that version of yourself from this very moment.

Getting comfortable with discomfort

  1. Be clear on your why Before stepping outside your comfort zone, be clear on why you want to do so.
  2. Remove excuses
  3. Don’t give up when faced with challenges
  4. The 5-second rule: If you have an impulse to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill the idea.

Whenever we enter a period of transformation and we begin to align our behaviour with what we want to attract into our lives, we must simultaneously expect a period of discomfort and then make a conscious commitment to accept it and sit through it. We must resist the urge to self-sabotage, and we must learn to live in this new, empowered place until it feels like home.

Every single time you step outside your comfort zone, you attract abundance to you. This is because magic happens outside your comfort zone.

I like to think of new ideas as little gifts from the universe. They come to you for a reason: they are an opportunity for you to step outside your comfort zone so that you can create the change you need to get to where you want to be.

Create healthy habits

  • Journaling
  • mantras, affirmations
  • meditation, breathwork
  • daily walks
  • skincare routines
  • long baths
  • self-care
  • exercise
  • yoga
  • gratitude


Energy is directional: it is simply impossible to direct our energy towards seeking external validation while simultaneously directing it towards the person that we want to be or the thing that we want to manifest.

We are unstoppably magnetic when we are unapologetically ourselves.

STEP 4: Overcome Tests from the Universe

Finding closure within yourself on an energetic level is the most powerful and effective way to clear space for what is meant to enter your life. Whenever you see an opportunity to step away from someone or something that is no longer serving you, take it. Your time and energy are your most valuable assets, so use them wisely.

An abundance mindset over a scarcity mindset

An abundance mindset trusts that there is plenty enough for everyone.

You have to apply this abundance mindset to everything in your life to be able to manifest the things you truly desire.

To rejections and failures:

When things don’t go the way I hoped they would, I am in fact being given your greatest opportunity to show up for myself while building inner strength, resilience and courage. Walk away and choose to trust that there is something better out there for me.

A high-vibe, empowered response to rejection is: it’s all part of the process.

Manifesting is sometimes just about dusting yourself off, standing tall and taking whatever value you can from the experience, knowing that there is always a lesson to be learned and something greater on the other side.

Trust that the universe is always looking out for your best interests.

If you are on your manifesting journey, become aware of tests. When they present themselves to you, do not allow them to lower your vibration and take you off course. Use them to strengthen your manifesting power by showing the universe that you value yourself and that you believe you are worthy of receiving abundance into your life. Stand up for yourself when you need to, say no to enticing opportunities if they don’t fill all the requirements, stay strong when faced with rejection and trust that everything will work out just as it is supposed to.

STEP 5: Embrace Gratitude (without caveats)

Gratitude is defined as a feeling of appreciation, and this feeling has an extremely high vibrational frequency.

How to turn a low vibe moment to a high vibe one? Use gratitude.

Three categories of gratitude

Gratitude for the self

These are things that you can appreciate about yourself, e.g. I am grateful for my strength, I am grateful for my health, I am grateful for my mind.

Gratitude for your life

These are the things in your life that you appreciate, e.g. I am grateful for my job, I am grateful for my family and friends, I am grateful for where I live.

Gratitude for the world

These are the things you feel grateful for that are universal to us all, e.g. I am grateful for the sunshine, I am grateful for connection, I am grateful for the ability to travel and experience new cultures.

Transforming your fear to ‘gratitude, appreciation and kindness for just ten minutes a day, three times a day, can strengthen your immune system by fifty per cent’.

You have to be clear in your vision and about where you want to go while simultaneously being entirely grateful for all that you currently have: this is what I call the manifesting sweet spot.

Remember that where attention goes, energy flows. So, focus on what is good, and more good will come to you.

If you are willing to see all the beauty and love and abundance that are already present in your life, you will effortlessly attract more beauty, more love and more abundance to you.

Technique 1: Gratitude lists

Technique 2: Positivity journal: Consistent gratitude journaling can be used to retrain your brain on a neurological level to focus on the good in your life

Practice mindfulness

Incorporate meditation into your daily routine.

Appreciate life’s small pleasures.

STEP 6: Turn Envy into Inspiration

Remove Fear and Doubt: envy is driven by fear.

Tearing other people down is low vibe. Building people up is high vibe.

To support other people, to build them up, to celebrate them, to help them, to encourage them: that comes from a place of self-love and high self-worth. It shows the universe that you are not threatened by the success of others, you are inspired by it. That inspiration will drive you to your manifestation. If you keep putting that loving, magnetic and magical energy out into the universe, you will receive abundance

Actively seek out inspiration.

Here are the four steps you need to take to turn envy into inspiration:

  1. Become aware of it
  2. Remove the shame and judgement surrounding envy
  3. Learn from it: ask yourself, ‘What is driving this judgement? What fear or doubt is driving this? What do they possess that I desire?’
  4. Turn envy into inspiration

STEP 7: Trust in the Universe

Manifesting is about surrender. It is about knowing and visualising what you want, being proactive in reaching it but then surrendering to the journey that will ultimately guide you there. It is knowing, without doubt, that the things you desire most are coming to you.

I see rejection as nothing more than a redirection to something better.

Feelings of trust, assuredness and unwavering confidence are all high vibe and they enable you to effortlessly attract abundance into your life.

When you’re not worried about how you are going to get somewhere because you just know that somehow you will, you can simply be more mindful in the present moment and practise greater awareness and appreciation for all that is already around you.

Impatience is the enemy of manifesting. Trusting in divine timing is essentially a fancy way of saying ‘I believe that everything happens for a reason.’ When we trust in divine timing, we can surrender the need for control, for fixed timelines and for an urgency to rush our lives. Trusting in divine timing allows us to be present and mindful and to know that everything is unfolding in the way it is supposed to. It allows us to stay strong when things don’t go exactly as we imagined. It allows us to find joy and beauty and contentment in the journey and not just in the destination.

Let go of waiting: make a choice not to wait but instead to live in the moment.

As you begin to explore manifestation, look out for ‘coincidences’, or serendipitous moments, and for those times when you are thinking about something and it suddenly shows up for you.

Every single thing you do, day to day, is an opportunity for you to strengthen your manifesting power: the thoughts you choose to attach to, the way you nourish and fuel your body, the daily practices you commit to, the habits you create, the friendships you have, the behaviour you accept from others and the willingness you show to step out of your comfort zone. Everything you do is a demonstration of self-love, and every decision you make has the ability to raise your self-worth and drive you closer to your dreams.